

January 24th, 2020

Katie Adams

This word keeps popping into my head over and over again. As a volleyball player we learn how to master transitions on the court making them as swift, efficient, and fast as possible... without tripping on our own feet. In the triathlon world transitioning from one leg of the race to another can be a make or break for a record time, you have to prepare, visualize, and stick to the plan.

I’ve always felt as if I’ve never been great at transitions in real life though. From high school to college was ROUGH, from living alone to moving back in with my parents, to becoming a retired volleyball player, to being single again, moving again, to starting up my career, and to everything in between the past year or so has been all about transitions.

Instead of putting up my walls and becoming anxious I’ve focused on taking one day at a time. Instead of thinking “my life is changing” I think of my life is “transitioning”. Transitioning into the future self I envision and living on purpose

I’ve never felt the kind of “excited yet nervous” that I’ve felt before about what the future holds as I gradually transition into the next chapter

There’s no way to master these transitions like I’ve been taught in volleyball. There’s no exact footwork, no setting up my transitions the night before the race. So, take a deep breath, smile, stay positive, be grateful. You’ll look back at all these transitions and realize they’ve formed who you are now.


Today, Let’s Thank Our Bodies.